International Federation of Catholic Universities 21, rue d’Assas 75270 Paris Cedex 06

Application Procedure

Higher education institutions must indicate their interest in being assessed by completing the online form available on this website. They must also send, signed, dated and stamped, the Charter of Commitment, which can be downloaded from the website. This Charter specifies the respective commitments of IFCU, on the one hand, and of the universities applying for accreditation, on the other. It sets out the responsibilities, rights and duties of each of the two partners as part of the accreditation system. The Charter must be sent, scanned, to the email indicated on the form.

Non-member institutions must also provide a copy of the official document of recognition as a Catholic higher education institution awarded by the Congregation for Catholic Education (or a similar authority), by sending it to the email on the form.

Once the application has been approved, the person appointed as main interlocutor within the applicant institution will receive confirmation from IFCU, as well as an order to pay the evaluation fees.

Following payment of the fees, the said interlocutor will receive the Newman Framework containing all the indicators in Excel. He/she will also receive the address and password to access the online platform on which to enter the required information. Data may be entered as soon as the online evaluation platform is opened, that is, on April 1st of each year, and until August 31st of the same year. Participating institutions will also have to provide documents (or links to documents/websites) in support of the data entered. The online platform is available in English (a Spanish version should come later on). Evaluation takes place online, no on-site visit is planned.

IFCU reserves the right to request additional information from applicant universities.

The results will be analyzed by the Mileva artificial intelligence (AI) system and communicated to each institution before the end of the year through a comprehensive online Dashboard. The Dashboard is available both in English and Spanish. One or more USR labels will also be granted at that time, if applicable. A communication concerning the attribution of the label (s), their logo (s) as well as the Performance Charter describing its attribution will be sent to the beneficiary institutions, together with the Seal of recognition for having joined the evaluation.